How to Fix Windows 10 Application Error 0xc00000FD?

Some Windows 10 users are reporting that they see the 0xc00000fd error after a failed Windows Update or after a game application crashes unexpectedly. Most users are seeing this error when trying to update from build 1803 to a newer version.

Application crash error on Windows 10

As it turns out, the vast majority of cases that will trigger fatal application crashes with the 0xc00000fd error is an inconsistency in how your system is able to maintain hardware acceleration. If you’re encountering this issue on with an older game, try forcing the executable to run in compatibility mode.

Additionally, you can try to force the game executable to run without any sort of hardware acceleration – either by modifying the shortcut parameters directly or by modifying the Launch Options in Steam.

Method 1: Running the program in compatibility mode

In case you’re encountering this issue with a game or application, there’s a very high chance that the issue is occurring due to inconsistency with how the program is built to handle hardware acceleration on Windows 10. In this case, you might be able to fix the issue by modifying the launch executable so that it runs in Compatibility mode with an older Windows version – if the game is over 5 years old, we recommend forcing the game to run incompatibility with Windows 7.

If this scenario is applicable to your current situation, follow the instructions below to force the application executable to run in compatibility mode:

  1. Open File Explorer and navigate to the location of the game or application that is crashing with the 0xc00000fd code. Once you identify the main launcher, right-click on it and choose Properties from the newly appeared context menu.
    Accessing the Properties screen of the game executable
  2. Inside the Properties screen, select the Compatibility tab from the ribbon bar at the top. Next, check the box associated with Run this program in compatibility mode. 
  3. Use the drop-down menu directly below to select Windows 7 from the list of options, then click on Apply to save the changes.
    Running the installer in Compatibility mode
  4. Launch the game or application that was causing the 0xc00000fd error and see if the error is now resolved.

Method 2: Forcing the game to run without hardware acceleration

If you’re encountering the 0xc00000fd error with a game that you attempt to launch a game from Steam or via their dedicated executable, it’s very likely that you’re seeing the error due to a fatal crash when it comes to sustaining hardware acceleration. This is typically reported to occur on rigs with newer GPUs.

Some users that were also encountering this issue have confirmed that they finally been able to fix the issue after reconfiguring the game options in order to launch without hardware acceleration.

Here are two separate guides that will allow you to do this – The first guide will show you how to do this directly from Steam while the second will walk you through the steps of modifying the launching shortcut.

Option 1: Modifying the Launch Options on Steam

  1. Open up the Steam application and sign up with the account whose library is holding the game that’s causing the 0xc00000fd error.
  2. After you’ve successfully signed in on Steam, click on Library from the ribbon menu at the top, then right-click on the game that is causing problems and click on Properties from the newly appeared context menu. s
    Accessing the Properties menu
  3. Once you’re inside the Properties menu of the game that’s causing you issues, select the General tab from the horizontal menu at the top, then click on Set Launch Options.
    Accessing the Launch Options menu
  4. Inside the Launch Options screen, enter the following command inside the text field: (make sure you include the dashes)
    -cefNoGPU -cefNoBlacklist
  5. After you enforce these new startup options, launch the game directly from Steam and see if the game is still crashing with the same 0xc00000fd error.

Option 2: Modifying the Launch Options on Steam

  1. Open File Explorer and navigate to the location of the shortcut where you launch your game (most likely your desktop).
  2. Once you arrive at the correct location, right-click on the game’s executable and click on Properties from the context menu.
    Accessing the Properties screen
  3. Once you’re inside the Properties screen, click on the Shortcut tab and look for the Target location. After you get to that location, add the following parameters at the end of Target location:
    -cefNoGPU -cefNoBlacklist
  4. Click Apply to save the changes, then launch the game again and see if the issue is now resolved.

Kevin Arrows

Kevin Arrows is a highly experienced and knowledgeable technology specialist with over a decade of industry experience. He holds a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) certification and has a deep passion for staying up-to-date on the latest tech developments. Kevin has written extensively on a wide range of tech-related topics, showcasing his expertise and knowledge in areas such as software development, cybersecurity, and cloud computing. His contributions to the tech field have been widely recognized and respected by his peers, and he is highly regarded for his ability to explain complex technical concepts in a clear and concise manner.